(Free): iBoot is a boot CD that allows you to boot the retail Snow Leopard DVD. ($20): The method used by this guide requires the retail DVD for Mac OS X Snow Leopard. You can override this requirement by instead of iBoot, but I can't guarantee it'll work. You need a hard drive without anything important on it, because you will be erasing the entire hard drive. An empty hard drive: You cannot install Mac OS X on a hard drive that already has Windows installed. Be sure to read the very carefully, to check whether or not your computer qualifies. A compatible computer: Not every computer will work with Mac OS X, even with the help of tools like iBoot and Multibeast. This guide on installing Snow Leopard attempts to explain every part of the Hackintoshing process, from start to finish (with pictures, courtesy of Virtualbox). Tonymacx86's is a good start, but it's very basic. Though installing Mac OS X Snow Leopard on a PC is a rather simple process in theory, it can be a lot more difficult in practice.
LAST UPDATED: JanuIf you're interested in turning your PC into a Hackintosh, but you have no idea where to start, this is the right guide for you.
And then choose settings and set boot to load your Snow Leopard ISO. Here are the VMware images of MacOs Latest. Upload any file up to 20 MB size without any limitations!Mac os x snow leopard 10.6.7 iso expandable, evolving, Careless whisper alto sax pdf. Hackintosh Snow Leopard 10.6.7 Iso Download.